Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Annual Picnic Reminder (This Sunday!) + New Upcoming Events!

Don't forget our Annual Picnic with VFW 2179 this Sunday, 12p-6p at the Post!

We've also got a few upcoming events now on the Calendar:

Saturday, 8/24: VFW Fishing Trip - see bartender for details (flyer info coming soon here).
Saturday, 9/15: Al 515 Auxiliary Bus Trip to AC - see bartender for details (flyer info coming soon here).
Wednesday, 9/11: AL 515 & Auxiliary will present a wreath during the Middletown September 11th memorial ceremony at 8:30am.
Friday, 9/20: Annual POW/MIA Ceremony, 7:30pm at VFW 2179.
Saturday, 9/28: Middletown Day at Croydon Hall - Auxiliary will have an information table at Middletown Day.  For info and to help with the table, set-up etc, please see President Kathy.