Wednesday, April 22, 2015

A Note About Our "Photos" Page

The (new) Photo Gallery on our blog "Photos" page is a work in progress!


Because the photos we have uploaded to that page over the years weren't carried over when we updated our blog to the newest version of the blogger/blogspot editing and template system, an update that was long over-due and necessary in order to be able to continue updating the blog overall.

Thankfully, most of the photo updates uploaded to the home page did carry over, although some of the older slide shows no longer work.

To illustrate what a time consuming undertaking re-downloading as many of our photos as possible will be, here is a photo of one year's worth of photo discs from our unofficially official Post photographer, Rudy C! (This doesn't include photos from other members or Auxiliary!)

So we thank you for your patience as we try to update the Photo Gallery with our most recent photos first, then work our way backwards. (For the most part, the photos on our blog have been different, more extensive than those posted here to fb).

To see what's been uploaded so far, click here.